An Exploration of Jewish Northern Italy with Congregation Bnai Torah
The eno-gastronomic, artistic, linguistic, natural and political diversity of Northern Italy is reflected in its antique and rich Jewish heritage, which we will have the great privilege of discovering on this voyage. From the majestic pre-alpine lakes of Maggiore and Garda to the surprisingly beautiful city of Turin, from the acclaimed vineyard-covered hills of Barolo and Moscato to the unique risotto rice - growing plains and parmigiano production areas, from the grand post-ghetto synagogues of Turin and Vercelli to the tiny hidden temple gems of Mondovì and Cherasco, accompanied by a talented Italian chef throughout, our goal is not merely to see but most importantly to experience Jewish Northern Italy, spending time with local Jewish communities enroute and especially during two Shabbatot, the first in Turin and the second in Padua, home to an ancient university and a renowned Jewish past.

Day 1 - Arrival, Lake Maggiore & Turin
Day 2 - Mondovì & Saluzzo
Day 3 - Shabbat in Turin
Day 4 - Venaria Palace, Roero & Cherasco
Day 5 - Vercelli & Bosca
Day 6 - Truffles, Barolo wine, Cooking & Alba
Day 7 - Casale Monferrato, Parmigiano & Padua
Day 8 - Modena & Balsamic vinegar
Day 9 - Lake Garda & Verona
Day 10 - Shabbat in Padua
Day 11 - Departure or Venice

For more information, price and conditions, please download the brochure.